English Language in Business
In Person in NYC

English Pronunciation:
Confidence Combo
for Careers

February 6-March 5, 2024 (online session)

meets Tuesdays and Saturdays

March 9-April 13, 2024 (in person session)
meets Saturday mornings in NYC.

English Pronunciation

This course covers three major areas that help you achieve confidence and success: Presentation Skills, Speaking Techniques, and Pronunciation. Classes focus on a combination of skills needed to enhance your business and your personal lives.

Interview Strategies

  • Do you freeze when you are asked: “Tell me about yourself” during an interview?

  • What is Really Listening? Are you too nervous to Really Listen?

  • How do you answer awkward questions?

  • What questions can, and should, you ask?

  • Telephone interviews; ZOOM interviews. How are they different from face-to-face interviews?

Speaking Techniques

  • Pronunciation: Are certain sounds, words, or combinations of words difficult to say? Does the last word of your sentence get lost?

  • Projection: Are you asked to repeat yourself when you order something? Can people hear you easily?

Presentation Skills

  • Most people fear giving Public Presentations. Do you?

  • Learn various techniques to overcome your specific fear of speaking.

  • Learn types of breathing to relax; breathing to energize.


February 6-March 5




March 9-April 13


at BMCC Main Campus


Requirements and more information:


Please note: Your course will consist of a pre-assignment, independent coursework, and final assignment as well as live classes. Credit for J-1 visa students is 36 hours. Students earning J-1 visa credit must attend all classes and complete all homework.

Please note that your pre-assignment will be emailed to you one week before your first class. Once the final class session has concluded, you will have one week to submit your independent coursework and final assignment to your teacher.

Students are required to be present at all classes.

Students who require their certificate sooner than outlined above should request their final assignment in advance by contacting BMCC at aupair@bmcc.cuny.edu. Please note that BMCC needs two days from the date a student submits their final assignment to issue an educational certificate.

If you have any questions at this time, please email us at aupair@bmcc.cuny.edu. Please continue to stay safe.


About your instructor:


Elizabeth Marner-Brooks

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks is an Associate Professor at The New School for Public Engagement, where she teaches Listening/Speaking, Pronunciation, and Reading. Elizabeth has created and taught courses in Presentations, Public Speaking, “Acting for Non-Actors”, and “Be Assertive: Speak Up & Speak Out” for The New School.

During her career as a professional actor and public speaker, Elizabeth represented major corporations, Fortune 500 companies, and CBS Television Network throughout the United States.


Feedback from English Pronunciation participants:


"Improving my pronunciation in English will always be exciting for me, because in this way I will be able to make myself understood better in this country. I corrected many words that I always said wrong and that fills me with satisfaction."

— Class Participant


"The teacher was really nice and helpful."

— Class Participant

"I really liked that everyone was so kind and open minded. Elizabeth is so patient and if we didn’t understand something she repeated it multiple times."

— Class Participant